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Are Polish cities equal to smart Vienna?
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Are Polish cities equal to smart Vienna?

Vienna is considered to be the most intelligent city in the world. The high standard of living in Austria's smart city is primarily the result of efficient management.

Are Polish cities equal to smart Vienna?
Open Data

Vienna is considered to be the most intelligent city in the world. The high standard of living in Austria’s smart city is primarily the result of efficient management. 

Smart City = Better life

A smart city is more comfortable to live in, citizens’ official affairs are dealt with more quickly and the city itself generates highly attractive conditions for investment. In addition, the smoothness of communication between residents and municipal institutions deserves attention. Furthermore, an important factor influencing the favourable standard of living in a smart city is the generation of numerous opportunities for spending free time. Sports and cultural events are constantly organised in the smart city. However, the most important aspect of the smart city is the active participation of informed citizens in improving the city through active cooperation with public administration.

Vienna the city of the future?

It is not without reason that Vienna is at the very top of the SmartCity ranking this year, winning the title of the most intelligent city in 2019. It was immediately followed by such agglomerations as London (which for a very long time had a group leader’s T-shirt) and the Canadian St. Albert. While creating a given list, the main focus was on the implemented solutions, which are to improve the quality of life of the inhabitants and the implementation of urban challenges. It included information on road infrastructure, population, environmental and climate protection and the introduction of intelligent innovations. 

In addition, as part of the programme conducted in the Austrian capital, Open Government Data, Vienna is to be one of the most technologically advanced urban units by the end of 2020. The nature and level of openness of the city disqualifies competitors. A huge amount of information is made available to citizens – geographical, road, environmental, investment or budgetary data. 

In Poland, Open Data initiatives are only just gaining momentum. However, with increasing interest, certainty and knowledge, cities are starting to implement projects. Recently, they include Rzeszów and Jaworzno. 

The direction of the e-citizen? Sag’s Wien-App” application and “mein.wien” service

The measure of Vienna’s success proved to be the Internet solutions implemented. This is particularly true of the Sag’s Wien-App application and mein.wien service. While creating the initiatives, the main focus was on the implementation of such premises as: openness, mobility and accessibility. The first of these applications, i.e. Sag’s Wien-App, allows residents to immediately report various types of problems and events via a smartphone. The messages go directly to a separate city administration unit and are intelligently verified, among other things, whether a given issue has not already been recorded. Users do not have to be registered to report messages – the whole process is incredibly fast and intuitive. The application activates residents, engaging them in activities towards a better, more integrated, supporting community. 

Main.wien. service. has transformed the residents of Vienna into fully-fledged e-citizens. Through the service, such matters as registering a vehicle or enrolling a child in a kindergarten can be handled without leaving home. 

Can Polish cities match the intelligence of Vienna?

Polish cities also aspire to the title of smart city. Conscious authorities are striving to achieve smooth communication and high activity of the inhabitants. To this end, in a growing number of Polish cities, smart city offices and dedicated people responsible for the development of smart solutions are being launched. The status of smart is inevitably connected with conscious use of the potential of open data, i.e. investment in the Open Data Portal. Until now, portals have been actively used in the world’s largest capitals, nowadays they are increasingly entering Polish cities.

The implementation of the Open Data portal contributes to the increase in the competitiveness of the city perceived as transparent and open to new investments. This fact translates into an increase in new investments and the implementation of smart solutions, i.e. mutual benefits for both residents and authorities.

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